Feb 20

Tickets now available for the May 8th Pasta Dinner Cruise Inn

All tickets are PRE-sale only (we have 500). If you would like to help with sale tickets or would like some for yourself you can contact me , Ron (rlavelle@stny.rr.com) or Willy (rmv@stny.rr.com). Remember this is for a good cause, a good meal and a fun time out for $ 8.00. there will be three trophies given out to cars that participate in the Cruise-in and club cars are eligible . The cars chosen for the awards will be picked the Mayor of Endicott , a member of the Sons of Italy and a member from New Life .

Last year’s donation By Triple City Street Rods and the Cruisin Buddies to this program was over $1000.00. Can we go over that this year ? We can if we sell all the tickets . Last year there were over 350 tickets sold lets sell all 500 this year .

Permanent link to this article: http://twintiersmustangclub.org/?p=894